New collection coming 2024

As a follow-up to Masculine Sensibilities 2023, Jackson immerses himself further in honing his technique, artistic style, and emotional expression. Delving into the depths of his creativity, he draws inspiration from the vibrant yet chaotic atmosphere of his studio, filled with warmth, bustling energy, and the heady scent of paint. Stay connected by subscribing to the newsletter, where you can stay informed about upcoming release dates, forthcoming exhibitions, and the captivating evolution of his artistic journey.

Jackson Davies

Jackson Davies is an oil painter based in Sydney, Australia. Jackson is inspired by passionate imagery and predominantly works from memory to create paintings that are contemplative and emotive.

He holds a BFA as well as a Master of Cultural Materials Conservation.

With a background in art conservation, Jackson has great admiration for Old Master techniques and materials. He is committed to the development of his practice through the study of these revered artworks. Jackson enjoys sharing this knowledge and experience with others.

Jackson has been a finalist in esteemed art prizes including the Doug Moran and Mosman Art Prizes, and in 2018 he was awarded Winner of the Northern Beaches Art Prize. Jackson has held residencies in Sweden and Portugal and his work appears in private collections around Australia and France.

Tutoring Services

Jackson is an experienced art teacher specialising in traditional oil painting. His classes are held at several locations in the metropolitan Sydney area and are suitable for beginners and experienced students.

Possessing a Bachelor of Fine Arts as well as a Master of Art Conservation, Jackson is a dedicated and passionate teacher who enjoys sharing his knowledge with likeminded individuals. Above all Jackson is committed to inspiring students to achieve their goals and to become better painters.
